Medical Equipment Planning

We use knowledge gained over many years to design and specify equipment and facilities suitable for the country under consideration with the knowledge that medical science in all countries is advancing rapidly.


Medical Equipment Planning Includes

Due diligence reviews including:

  • Consideration of the viability of medical equipment managed services
  • Equipment specifications and budgets
  • Staff requirements etc

Room by room design review including:

  • Consideration of equipment requirements based on what is most suitable for the end user’s local environment, modern practice and discussions with the Client’s medical team
  • Budget considerations; effect of change on present and future requirements.
  • IT implications for EPR, RIS, HIS and PACS integration
  • Liaison with Architects and Engineering consultants on space, service and environmental criteria affected by medical planning and equipment requirements

Procurement support including:

  • Construction of performance and payment mechanisms
  • Production of bills of quantity and equipment specifications
  • Realization of tender documents for local and/or international tender based on requirements of international loan authorities
  • Liaison with contractors on delivery and installation requirements
  • Inspection and identification of equipment at manufacturers work or other appropriate location
  • Liaison with shippers
  • Provision of site personnel to supervise location, installation, commissioning and handover of medical equipment
  • Preparation of operating documentation for equipment

Project support including:

  • Condition surveys and valuation of existing equipment
  • Safety inspection of equipment
  • Preparation of upgrading requirements and other information

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London Office
Albany Boathouse
Lower Ham Road
Kingston Upon Thames
Greater London
Telephone: +44(0)20 85499998

Edinburgh Office
12D Timber Bush
Telephone: +44(0)131 5535923