King Hamad University Hospital, Bahrain
Medical Equipment Advice, Procurement, Evaluation King Hamad Hospital is located within the Kingdom of Bahrain and is a teaching hospital located adjacent to the Medical School (currently being constructed). The hospital will contain the key acute clinical services with a range of options appropriate for a teaching facility. It is anticipated that the hospital will provide a service for the immediate locality as well as complementary services to the existing hospital. Hiltron were appointed by Australian Hospital Design Company as medical equipment advisors to the Ministry of Works. Our role to provide: Scheduling of equipment in accordance with existing drawings; Scheduling of additional equipment as required by the MOH; Assistance to the MOH for the preparation of equipment specifications; Preparation of Pre-Qualification questionnaires for equipment providers; Assessment and recommendation of pre qualifying companies for equipment providers; Assistance with the preparation of tender documentation Assistance during the tendering process; Evaluation of the Technical responses; Financial Evaluation of the submitted bids final recommendation.
STATUS: 2009 Complete